
Welcome to Possibilities Redefined

Poonam Raonta

Hi, I am Poonam. A mother of two grown up boys, certified Conscious Parenting coach from Dr Shefali’s Coaching institute, certified Life Coach from ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) and NLP Practitioner.

Like many parents, I started out with a traditional authoritarian parenting approach that left me feeling frustrated, disconnected, and unsure of my ability to be the best parent I could be. But as I continued to raise my sons, I realized that I wanted more for them, and for myself as a parent.


Through my own personal experiences and education, I discovered conscious parenting. I was amazed by the transformative power it had on my relationship with my children I understood that our interactions in our formative years with our primary care givers sub-consciously define how we behave as adults.

As I began awakening, I started understanding how my own persona is impacted by the meaning I made in my mind, of experiences in my life especially from my childhood.

 This was the turning point in my life. I found myself deeply reflecting on and questioning everything around me. Through this journey of self-awareness, I started to peal the layers of my own conditioning, challenging my belief system and understanding the power of conscious living.

Living consciously showed me the path, awakened me to the possibilities that my sub-conscious did not know existed. It radically changed my relationship with myself thus changing my relationship with my children, my husband, my friends and others around me. The more I became aware, the more I knew that I could share this wisdom with others to lead a fulfilling life.

And ‘Possibilities Redefined’ was born.

I am here to be your partner and show you that you can redefine possibilities for yourself to feel empowered, develop emotional intelligence, learn how to validate and support your children's emotions, create a safe and empathetic space for them to express themselves, develop positive discipline techniques, and increase self-awareness as parents.

I believe that each parent's journey is unique and that there is no one "right" way to parent. That's why my coaching approach is personalized and tailored to meet the specific needs of each parent and family. Whether you are a first-time parent or have several children, my goal is to help you develop the skills and strategies you need to create a peaceful and nurturing family environment.


In addition to my coaching services, I am also available for speaking engagements, interviews, and collaborations with other parenting experts and organizations. I am passionate about spreading the message of conscious parenting and helping more families create the best possible environment for their children.

My initiatives
Youtube Collaboration
Online Course
coach poonam raonta
YouTube Channel
coach poonam raonta

Like many parents, I started out with a traditional authoritarian parenting approach that left me feeling frustrated, disconnected, and unsure of my ability to be the best parent I could be. But as I continued to raise my sons, I realized that I wanted more for them, and for myself as a parent.

Topics I Can Help You With


Conscious Parenting


Emotions Coaching


Positive Discipline


Self Awareness


Family Wellbeing


Relationship Coaching


Meditation and Mindfulness


Conscious Living